Garten Malve Zebrina

Malva sylvestris Other Names.
Garten malve zebrina. Zebrina plants Tradescantia zebrina synonym Zebrina pendula sometimes called wandering jew produce trailing stems covered in large variegated leaves. Foliar applications of 15 ppm paclobutrazol Bonzi Paczol or Piccolo or 25 ppm uniconazole Concise or Sumagic are effective at controlling plant height when they are applied early in the crop. It forms an upright bushy mound that may need to be staked if grown in rich soil.
Plant Zebrina Mallow in full sun to part shade to shady areas. Seeds can also be started indoors in the spring a few weeks before transferring to a ready-made bed. Zebra mallow Striped mallow.
Two years ago I purchased a blooming Zebrina Mallow plant from a local plant nursery. Plants started in early. They are visited by many insects especially bees for pollen.
Malva have an obligate long day requirement for flowering. Zebrina Mallow stands up to heat humidity and drought. Vec very much so Julie have bought alot of different seeds now to do next year had some failures too this year but really pleased with what has come up my fav has to be the vipers bugloss though I could have a garden filled with that one just love the colours in the flowers and so easy to grow from seed.
Malva sylvestris Zebrina blooms the entire summer. Pale to deep purple petals with dark maroon veins. Across 5 cm are produced in abundance in the leaf axils.
Malva seeds will germinate in 7 14 days. Prefers full sun tolerates partial shade. Malva Zebrina has pale pink or purple blooms with darker purple stripes from late spring to frost.